
The Telegram Look-up allows you to quickly and anonymously see the status , last seen online and picture that someone has made public on Telegram. This trace is completely invisible to the user of the device.

It works as follows:

When you do a Telegram lookup, TrackerPhone will connect with the user’s phone to extract all relevant information for you. Though the data that can be extracted depends on the user’s privacy settings, a profile picture can be retrieved in most cases.


1 – Enter the desired phone number.

2 - Press the yellow button.

3 - When the lookup is finished, the results will be displayed.

⚠ Not all phone numbers have pictures associated with their account.

⚠ Not all profile pictures and info are public.

⚠ If the user blocked his profile for unknown contacts you won’t see any relevant information. In this case TrackerPhone will still deduct 1 credits.

Discover TrackerPhone
Create a TrackerPhone account, so you can:
  • Locate any telephone worldwide
  • Receive notifications on leaving a country
  • Request advanced Telecom data
  • Send an SMS anonymously, and much more
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